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Cellos currently for sale

$10,000-$20,000, and up-

Christopher Dungey, Boulder, Colorado, 1996.  This cello was made for a professional cellist in a symphony orchestra in Canada and played for many years unitl she retired.  Please call for an appointment to come in and try it!  $55,000.00

A fine cello made by Alejandro Puig, Viola Wisconsin 2021.  

The cello was modelled after the "Saveuse" Stradivari.  Willow back, spruce top.  Flamed maple ribs. This cello is comfortable to play and has a warm rich sound.  More information about the maker, and photos of the cello, can be seen on the maker's website 

Scott Zumberge, Minneapolis, 1982.  The sound of this cello is warm and full.    

Mathias Dahl

Mathias Dahl was born in Norway in 1888.  He moved to the United States in 1910.  He made his first violin in Norway when he was seven years old because he wanted to learn how to play.


His first violin shop job was when he worked for Halvor Blakkestad, and he worked there until Blakkestad retired in 1924.  He worked with a variety of other Luthiers until finally haveing his own shop in 1958.  He died in 1973.  He is said to have made close to 400 voilins, 15 violas, and 7 cellos. 

A Dahl cello, Minneapolis, 1942.

This fine cello is featured in the book "Violin & Bow makers of Minnesota, by Thomas Wenberg.

The label reads "The Dahl Stradivarius Fecit Minneapolis 1942". 

Photos and price upon request.

Born in Norway, after moving to the US, Dahl became the premier Luthier in Minneapolis in the 1950's and into the 1970's.  A prolific maker, he made instruments for many of the professional musicians in the area.   

A cello by Mathias Dahl, Minneapolis, Minnesota, made in 1959

The cello was made for Elizabeth Close, an architect, who was an avid amateur cellist and was a founding member of the Civic Orchestra of Minneapolis and was fond of playing chamber music.  

A cello by Mathias Dahl, "The Dahl Stradivarius".  1965.  

So, for the first time, there are three Dahl cellos available in my shop.  Each has it's own character.  A unique opportunity.   


Savannah Strings, both Stradivari and Montagnana models. 

 Musaica, China, 2010.  Very good conditon.  

Stohr, Illner & Riedl- Bairsdorf / Inglesdorf, Germany, made in 1995.  Excellent condition.   Baiersdorf is a small town in northern Bavaria in the region of Erlangen and Bubenreuth.  A good well made sturdy cello. Good sound potential.

West Coast String Instruments, "Vito Rossi" China, 2014, 

Wenzel Fuchs, Erlangen, Germany, 1969.  



Savannah Strings, both Stradivari and Montagnana models.

West Coast String Instruments, "Vito Rossi" China, 2009

7/8 size cellos-

All of these cellos have smaller dimensions, smaller than full size, but bigger than 3/4 size.  

Paul Hart, Salt Lake City, Utah, made in 1986.  A great cello for someone looking for a slightly smaller cello with a big sound!  Call for price.

A cello by Sebastian Schelle, Nurnberg, Germany, made in 1741.  Well restored.  Reasonably priced.

A cello by Mathias Dahl, Minneapolis, Minnesota, made in 1959.  The cello was made for Elizabeth Close, an architect, who was an avid amateur cellist and was a founding member of the Civic Orchestra of Minneapolis and was fond of playing chamber music.  

3/4 size cellos-

"Gunter Von Aue" Cologne, W. Germany,

Scott Cao, China

"Forest", China, 

Colin Wultur, 

Andreas Eastman,  China, 2011 VC 405.

1/2 size cellos-

John Juzek, Germany

Eastman strings

1/4 size cellos-


Instruments and bows are available in most price ranges. if you don't see what you are interested in listed, please call or send me a message. I may have what you need.  

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